FAQ: Attention for Touch Screen panel
Attention1 Storage1.1 Store the products at the temperature mentioned in the specification.1.2 Store the products at the aboriginality.1.3 Do not to expose the products in direct sunlight.2 Remove pack 2.1 Do not lift touch panel by cable(FPC).2.2 Read up or down marking before open the box.3 Operation3.1 Since Touch Panel is consist of glass, please be careful your hands to be injured During handing. You must wear gloves during handing.1.2 Do not strike touch panel.3.3 Do not stack the touch panels together. Do not put heavy objects on touch panels.3.4 Do not bend the cable(FPC)of touch panel to prevent the circuit broken. Please don’t use following method to insert the FPC tail to connector.4 Please pay attention for the matters stated below at mounting design of touch Panel﹠enclosure4.1 Enclosure support to fix touch panel must be out of view (transparent) area.(Do not design enclosure presses the view area to protect from miss input) 4.2 Elastic materials are recommended as a support to fix touch panel.4.3 Do not use an adhesive tape to bond the top surface (film side) of touch panel with enclosure.4.4 The corners and edges of touch panel(fig.*) may be conductive. Do not touch it with metal components after mounting.4.5 Special design is required for water resistance.4.6 The mounting structure must has a reserved space for the FPC tail and never touch or squeeze the FPC by case or another components preventing FPC to peel off.