Mobile Phone Display Shortages and New Technologies Result in Higher Prices
Mobile Phone Display Shortages and New Technologies Result in Higher Prices
Strong Growth for AMOLED in Smart Phones from Nokia and Samsung, up 65% in Q3’10 and 132% Y/Y
Santa Clara, California, February 23, 2011—As the mobile phone industry focuses on touch-enabled smart phones, results from the DisplaySearch Quarterly Mobile Phone Shipment and Forecast Report indicate strong revenue and shipment growth for this segment in Q3’10. Mobile phone display shipments were 413.2 Million in Q3’10, up 6% Q/Q. Revenues for this segment grew even faster, at 13% Q/Q, to reach $3.38 billion. This was the third consecutive quarter that revenue growth outpaced shipment growth.
Figure 1. Average Selling Prices for Mobile Phone Displays